FIG approves the Portimão 2011 Bid!
23/08/2010 12:00The FIG Presidential Commission during a metting held in Singapore at the Youth Olympic Games has reviewed and approved the candidatures for the World Cup/Series 2011. Portimão will host for the 6th time in a row a stage of the FIG RG World Cup - Individuals and Groups.
The official date is April 27th -May 1st 2011.
At the same occasion will be held the 25th edition of the Junior International Tournament - we are preparing some surprises to celebrate this unique date. All the ingredients are sure to promise amazing RG moments.
More information on the calendar and 2011 invitation/directives will follow shortly. Please keep visiting us for further information and disover the new website image!
Hope to warmly host in Portimão next year!