Media Registration Form: Now Available
03/03/2011 12:26The Media Accreditation is undergoing. Should you wish to apply for an accreditation for the 2011 events please click on the "Media Accreditation Form" link on the left side of this section.Upon registration the LOC will contact you and provide further information.
Please take into attention that for representatives of the FIG affiliated National Federations, acting as media for their internal Gymnastics magazine, the LOC will deliver ES-F and EP-F credential to the NF.
When requesting accreditation, the Federation must submit an official document duly signed by its President or its designated person, attesting in good faith to the position of the Media delegate(s). A double accreditation (Press and Member delegation) is not accepted.
Only journalists and photographers operating for an editorial use exclusively will be accepted.
Selling pictures for personal use is strictly forbidden.
The LOC may withdraw an accreditation whenever any other purpose is suspected.
By submitting an application, the journalists / photographers understand and agree that the accreditation granted is subject to all these general terms and conditions, including the exclusive jurisdiction of the CAS.